China Hubs Events Glance- Aug & Sept 2021

16 Sep 2021

SWAGºÏ¼¯China Liaison Office has collaborated with four SWAGºÏ¼¯China Study Hubs and conducted a few activities (offline and online) that include Career Building, Social Networking, Australian Culture Sharing, Museum visiting, Fitness training etc. 


Semester 2 Chinese Students Orientation 

Career Information Session

Museum Visiting to The Red Heart of Australia

Fitness Training Class at Beijing Kunlun Fight

Mid-Term Gala Brunch

Lin Guo is a sophermore studying International Relationships, like many other SWAGºÏ¼¯Chinese students who study remotely due to the travel ban, she expressed delights of participating Career Info Session at SWAGºÏ¼¯Shanghai Study Hub. 

"I gradually get used to studying remotely and I appreciate that SWAGºÏ¼¯provides us with China Study Hubs. You know, not only can I study there, but I can also make many friends with different background. Moreover, I appreciate SWAGºÏ¼¯China Study Hubs for offering students various types of activities so that I can cultivate myself with different abilities."she said. 

Menglian Li is doing Master of Financial Management. She was glad to participate in the fitness training class.

"When I study at home, I feel so lonely and stressful and I seldom do the exercise. But I am more than willing to participate in the fitness training class held by SWAGºÏ¼¯China Study Hubs. Here I met many students who can share their feeling, concern and also solution to ameliorate our situation, thus I got to know that I am not alone. Being together makes me strong. "Menglian said.