75 Cities: Pittsburgh PA

Celebrate 75 years of SWAGºÏ¼¯across 75 cities around the world!


Join fellow alumni and friends for an evening of celebrations in Pittsburgh, as we honour the 75th anniversary of SWAGºÏ¼¯.

Hosted by Amanda Barry (SWAGºÏ¼¯Director, Future Students), this celebration is a great opportunity to meet new alumni living and working in Pittsburgh and celebrate your memories of ANU.

As much as SWAGºÏ¼¯has helped shape the lives of our alumni, so has our alumni community shaped ANU.

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75 Cities

This year, we invite SWAGºÏ¼¯alumni to join us in celebrating 75 years of SWAGºÏ¼¯, here in Australia and around the world.

Whether it's two of you having drinks, a big dinner or an outdoor picnic - we want as many alumni as possible to get together around the world to celebrate 75 years of ANU.

View our event listings for other city events and sign up now; and if you can not see your city listed, then please do get in touch with us at alumni@anu.edu.au and we can help organise an event in your city.

Date and Times


Date and time Thu., 9 June 2022 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Eastern Daylight Time Location Cinderlands Warehouse
2601 Smallman Street
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15222


Page Owner: Alumni