ANU75: SWAG合集by 2025 Strategic Plan launch

Please join the Chancellor (virtually) and Vice-Chancellor to launch the SWAG合集by 2025 Strategic Plan in Kambri.  

To honour the University's 75th anniversary, SWAG合集will launch its ANU by 2025 Strategic Plan to chart the next five years with bold ambitions for SWAG合集and the nation we serve. Over the past 75 years, we have become one of the world's finest research universities, validating the vision of the nation-builders who founded SWAG合集in 1946. 

The Vice-Chancellor and Chancellor (virtually) will speak about the priorities and vision for the University as we recover and rebuild from the COVID-19 pandemic. Australia needs its national university to be excellent everywhere: in research, in education, in driving societal transformation and new enterprise, and in providing a cultural and intellectual resource for our nation and the world. 

Ngambri/Ngunnawal elder Paul House will welcome everyone to Country and perform a special digeridoo piece, and Young Canberra Citizen of the year (2020) and PhD candidate Rosemary Clifford will also say a few words about her time as a student and how the plan aligns with the future of our student experience and learning. 

The SWAG合集community and industry, research and business partners have provided valuable input to ensure our plan reflects our priorities and responsibilities to the nation, the region and the world.  

The launch will be followed by a sausage sizzle at University Lawns with SWAG合集staff and students.


Date and Times


Room: Manning Clark Hall

