Meet the team

Meet the 2024 Writing Coaches team!

Haoyi Li

Hello! I'm Haoyi. I'm a PhD student in anthropological linguistics, where I study the language and art practices of far northern Australian Aboriginal communities. I love working with students to help them write clearly and succinctly while retaining their own voice. From my own struggles as a student and my experience as a tutor, I will help you avoid common mistakes in academic writing and share strategies to improve. Outside of my PhD, I love coffee, board games, hiking, and going to art galleries. 


Jessie Liu

image of Writing Coach Jessie Liu

Hi, I’m Jessie! I’m a PhD student in Sociology, looking at the daigou trade between China and Australia. I love teaching Sociology and working with students to ‘denaturalise’ the taken for granted aspects of our world that feel ‘natural’ to us. As someone who has previously struggled with writing, it has taken me many years to develop the confidence and skills to write clearly, concisely, and logically (and even then, I have days where I struggle!). I love sharing and helping students develop these skills in and out the classroom. When not doing my PhD, I like sewing, hiking, and watching films and TV shows.  

Kavya Kalutantiri

photo of Kavya

Hello, I'm Kavya. I'm a PhD candidate in the Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural research program. Although I have a keen interest in a variety of disciplines and fields, I consider myself an ethnographer of all things related to food. I'm passionate about academic writing, especially writing creatively and accessibly. So, I would love to share with you the academic skills and strategies I've gained through trial and error over the years. Let's work together to meet your academic goals! In my spare time, I take delight in ikebana, films, hiking and cooking.


Amy Walters

Amy photo

I am a second year PhD student in English Literature. My dissertation focuses on my favourite writer, the contemporary British novelist Maggie O'Farrell, and it is a great privilege to spend four years immersed in her work. I love working one on one with students, helping with essay structure and the development of ideas. Observing students experience a lightbulb moment when they have a breakthrough in their assignments always brightens my day! Outside of academia I work as a freelance cultural critic and in my spare time I enjoy music, travelling and cooking. 


Tony Edwards

photo of Tony

Hello, I am a PhD student researching Chinese religious, intellectual, and political history from the late Qing to the Republic. Trained in the scholastic discipline of Sinology, my academic background is in Chinese Studies (Mandarin) and Translation Studies (Classical Chinese). I have tutored several courses at the SWAGºÏ¼¯and am passionate about helping students develop their critical thinking and academic writing skills. Outside of academia, my interests include playing the harpsichord, drawing, making cocktails, and reading extensively in a broad range of fields.



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